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Today, LG will release new versions of updates for its selected TVs, which will now have support for the wireless communication protocol AirPlay 2 and for Apple HomeKit. LG thus follows Samsung, which took a similar step already in May of this year.

Samsung announced in mid-May that most of its models this year, and some of last year's models, will receive a special application that will bring support for AirPlay 2 and a dedicated Apple TV application. So it happened, and owners can enjoy improved connectivity between their Apple products and their television for more than two months.

Something very similar will be possible from today on TVs from LG, but it has a few catches. Unlike Samsung, owners of last year's models are out of luck. From this year's models, all OLED models, TVs from the ThinQ series are supported. However, some unofficial sources say that support for 2018 models is also planned, but if it comes, it will be a little later.

AirPlay 2 support will allow users with Apple products to better connect their devices to the television. It will now be possible to better stream audio or video content, as well as to use advanced functions thanks to HomeKit integration. It will now be possible to integrate a compatible TV from LG more into a smart home, use the (limited) options of Siri and everything that HomeKit brings.

The only thing LG TV owners will have to wait for is the official Apple TV app. It is said to be on the way, but it is not yet clear when the version for LG TVs will appear.

lg tv airplay2

Source: LG
