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The textual display of the battery charge percentage right next to its icon in the iOS status bar was especially practical for quickly and accurately determining the status. But then came the iPhone X with its cutout in the display, and Apple removed this pointer because it simply didn't fit. We already expected the return of percentages last year with the redesign of the iPhone 13 cutout, we only got to see it this year, even on older devices. But not on all of them. 

With the iPhone X, Apple had to rework the entire status bar and the information it contains, because of course they made it drastically smaller due to the cutout. So the battery charge indicator remained only in the form of a battery icon, and many have since called for a percentage display of the charge status, which was available from, for example, the widget, Control Center or the lock screen.

iOS 16 adds the ability to display the percentage indicator directly in the battery icon and not next to it, which has its pros and cons. The positive is that you can see the percentage of charge at a glance, but the negative is perhaps a little more. First, the font is much smaller than it was on iPhones with a home button because it has to fit into the same size icon. Paradoxically, reading the charge value is thus more complicated.

The second negative is that the displayed text automatically cancels the dynamic display of the icon charge. So even if you only have 10%, the icon is still full. White text on a green background does not help readability when charging. At first glance, you simply don't know if you have 68 or 86%. In this case, the "%" symbol is also displayed here, as soon as you finish charging, you only see a number on a white background. 

It's quite wild and it will take some getting used to this display. And that is the stumbling block of the entire indicator. Does it really make sense? Over the years, we have learned to read the battery icon well to know how our iPhone is actually doing. And if we have a percentage more or less, it doesn't matter in the final anyway. 

How to set percentage display in battery icon in iOS 16 

If you really want to try it out and have the battery percentage displayed in its icon, you need to activate the function, because it will not turn on automatically after the update. The procedure is as follows: 

  • Go to Settings. 
  • Select an offer Battery. 
  • Turn on the option at the top Battery status. 

Even if you already have iOS 16 installed on your iPhone with a notch in the display, it doesn't mean you have to see the feature as well. Apple did not make it widely available to all models. iPhone minis are among those that cannot activate it, because they have such a small display that the indicator would not be readable at all. But it's also the iPhone XR or the iPhone 11, probably because of their non-OLED display technology. 
