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Press Release: Cookies bar 2022 a new law entered into force at the beginning of the year, which is absolutely crucial for operators of virtually any website. New terms of use now apply cookie files, when individual visitors to the given websites must click away exactly what data the operator can actually collect about them, which is linked to the so-called cookie bar. When you visit a new website, you are usually "greeted" by a window asking for consent to the use of the mentioned files. At the same time, you can set here which data you will specifically share, or confirm all of them. This is a change affecting almost all websites that use Cookies.

There are penalties for breaking the law

As we have already mentioned above, the law applies to everyone, and non-compliance can result in significant financial penalties. Of course manually checking site by site would take a lot of time. The Office for the Protection of Personal Data, which monitors compliance with the law, has made this activity significantly easier with applications for quick scanning of individual web presentations, thanks to which it can immediately identify a potential problem. At the same time, this is not only about granting consent to the use of cookies by the visitor, but also about their preservation.

The current change in the law may bring a bit of chaos. Fortunately, there are already some Czech web hosting providers that make the whole process easier. Among the most famous ones, we can mention, for example, He just came with the service Cookie bar PRO, which takes care of the correct implementation of all requirements according to Act 374/2021 Coll. At the same time, it provides the operator with all the necessary details (including a clear record of consents granted) and, on the contrary, gives the visitor the option of withdrawing consent directly from the given website.

You can order the Cookie Bar for directly here.
