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The company Valve, which is known primarily for its game gems such as the Half-Life series, Portal or the Steam game platform, is preparing a new game that will be available on the iOS and Android mobile platforms. It will be called Bridge Constructor Portal and, as the name suggests, it will be based on the popular platformer Portal and the now traditional and oft-repeated game Bridge Builder. The novelty will arrive in the App Store and Google Play already on December 20.

Everyone probably knows the classic Bridge Builder. Your goal is to build a bridge stable enough for the desired object to pass over. Valve is now planning something similar by incorporating portal "weapons" from the Portal series into the game. You can see how this game mechanic will look in practice in the video below.

Behind the development are the studios Headsup Games and Clockstone Software, whose development is of course sanctioned by Valve itself. The game will take place in Aperture Laboratories, which you may know from the games of the Portal series. From the accompanying images, it can be seen that this could be an interesting and unusual game from a genre that is already worn out today. The complexity of the game mechanics should be quite diverse, because in addition to mobile platforms, it will also be released on Windows, macOS, and next year also on consoles. It is not yet clear if it will be a free-to-play game or if it will have a classic buy-to-play model.

Source: 9to5mac
