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Popular space sagas taught us that navigating a spaceship is no problem. You just turn on a simple gravity generator and you won't even know you're walking through a training center on Earth's surface. However, the reality is a little different. In orbit and in interplanetary space, man is still dependent on weightlessness. And it is in such a situation that even the simplest tasks become challenges, especially for a person who has been used to the earth's attraction all his life. You can test how hard it is in the new macOS game Heavenly Bodies.

In the new game from the indie studio 2p Interactive, you will be tasked with performing various tasks of astronauts in a state of weightlessness. The joke is that, depending on the chosen difficulty, the game simulates this situation exactly. You must therefore expect to move in a completely unknown environment, which will force you to think differently than on the earth's surface. You can play the game in classic, auxiliary or Newtonian difficulty, with the latter offering the most accurate simulation. However, the developers themselves recommend using gamepads when playing games of any difficulty, where each of the analog sticks controls one of your arms.

You can complete approximately three-quarters of an hour long missions in the company of someone else. The cooperative mode offers a bigger portion of fun, which requires, in addition to correct movement, successful communication between the two astronauts. At the same time, you won't stay that long in the game. You should be able to complete the entire space adventure in about five hours.

  • Developer: 2pt Interactive
  • Čeština: Not
  • Price: 15,11 €
  • Platform: Windows, macOS, Playstation 5, Playstation 4
  • Minimum requirements for macOS: macOS 10.12 or later, Intel Core i5 processor or better, 6 GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 660 or better graphics card, 2 GB free disk space

 You can buy Heavenly Bodies here
