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In iOS 7, the first security issue was noted. José Rodriguez discovered a hole in the locked screen, through which you can - despite the presence of a number lock - access photos and subsequently social networks and e-mail. All it takes is a few simple gestures…

[youtube id=”tTewm0V_5ts” width=”620″ height=”350″]

A few "strokes" are enough for sensitive material that a stranger should not have access to. On the lock screen, first bring up the Control Center and open the Clock app. With the app open, hold down the power button until a menu pops up and tap on Zrušit. After that, double-press the Home button and multitasking will pop up, through which you can access the camera.

This is normally accessible even through a locked phone, however, without knowing the code, you cannot access the images. However, using the mentioned procedure, the library will also be displayed. It is important to call up the camera application from the lock screen before the whole process, so that it appears in multitasking.

From the images, the user can easily get to accounts on social networks and e-mail, because photos can be shared normally through these services.

Rodriguez the entire procedure filmed and demonstrated it on an iPhone 5 with iOS 7 and an iPad with iOS 5. It's not certain whether the same procedure works on the new iPhone 5S and XNUMXC, but Rodriguez is confident it will work. Forbes reached out to Apple for comment, has yet to receive a response.

Currently, the easiest way to eliminate this security issue is to disable the Control Center on the lock screen. But Apple should soon solve the problem without this measure being necessary.

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