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Apple and the healthcare industry share a strong bond that continues to grow stronger. This is evidenced by a new initiative hidden in the iOS 10 operating system. Users can now register as donors directly through their iPhones using the Health application.

Apple v the health sector is definitely not slowing down. Using available resources, it strives to provide users with the ability to monitor and control their health data, on the basis of which it constantly raises the bar.

Another example that Apple is really serious about this segment is a simple but effective feature that will come with the new operating system iOS 10. That is donation. In the Health application, users will be able to register as donors of organs, eye tissue and other tissues. Their registration will then be received by the US National Donate Life Registry.

This is how Tim Cook and his team react to the current situation in the United States, where an average of 22 people die every day due to waiting for an organ transplant. “With the updated Health app, we provide education and awareness about organ donation with an easy option to register. It's a simple process that takes seconds and can save up to eight lives," Jeff Williams, Apple's chief operating officer, said in a press release.

The original impetus for this step came in 2011, which was primarily a shock for the Californian company in the form of the death of Steve Jobs, who succumbed to a rare type of pancreatic cancer. Cook revealed that even though the iconic visionary underwent a liver transplant, he faced an "excruciating" wait that ultimately proved futile. “Every day watching, waiting and feeling uncertain. This is something that left a deep wound in me that will never heal," he told the agency AP Cook.

The aforementioned donation function will be available to regular users in the fall with the arrival of iOS 10, but the public beta should reach people by the end of this month.

Source: CNBC