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Sometimes games don't need a bunch of different mechanics to make your dolls spin after a condensed tutorial to be interesting. The best titles usually make the most of a simple concept. Apparently, the developers from the Puzzle Box Games studio were also abounding in such an approach. Their roguelike project The Dungeon Beneath usually combines a rather complicated genre with an auto-battler.

In The Dungeon Beneath, despite the fact that you will fight all the time, you will not fully enjoy your own fights. In the game, in which you lead and gradually adjust your party of heroes, you will mainly be in charge of their tactical deployment. Battles take place on maps strictly divided into individual fields. The characters' special abilities are then successfully activated depending on exactly where they are standing on the squares and what is happening on the adjacent squares. Instead of frantic clicking, expect more space for relaxation and reflection.

As such, The Dungeon Beneath is still a roguelike. This means that every playthrough will be different. For improvement, the developers offer you the opportunity to play as five different heroes, who in the course of each adventure also get access to unique companions and a number of magical artifacts. Each party member can have up to three of these. The number of combinations that this system offers is almost endless.

  • Developer: Puzzle Box Games
  • Čeština: not
  • Price: 4,99 €
  • Platform: macOS, Windows
  • Minimum requirements for macOS: 64-bit operating system macOS 10.12 or later, processor with a minimum frequency of 2 GHz, 2 GB of operating memory, graphics card with 1 GB of memory, 500 MB of free disk space

 You can purchase The Dungeon Beneath here
