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If you don't have an overview, you don't know what to do with money, you're interested in the latest trends, you need something and you're too lazy to leave the house, you shouldn't miss the application Uncrate, in which you have everything under your thumb.

The creation of the application was prompted by a website. The user interface is simple in black and white. It's quick to run and without any unnecessary splash screens, it puts you into a category right after launch Latest (last, latest).

News are displayed in rectangles with a preview of the product and the name. After clicking, you have the details, the price and, in the vast majority of cases, a direct link to purchase (at the bottom right, BUY, opposite the price). You can share each product directly through the application by SMS or e-mail. Main menu or The bottom bar also offers:Popular – shows the most viewed items. Unlike the website, the application does not allow you to mark your own.

Under Browse there are 9 categories: bodies, cars, culture, entertainment, gear, home, style, tech, vices. As I already mentioned, everything works very simply and does not offer any advanced sorting such as, for example, by price.

If you have noticed something that should not be missing in Uncrate, under the item Scout you will find the option to take a picture of it, comment on it and send it to the editor.

The main panel is closed by the Search icon, which searches only by the entered word and there is nothing to specify here.

Uncrate is a simple lifestyle app. It has its shortcomings in the search and sorted products, it is significantly cut down compared to the website. But it proves it and it is used brilliantly. You will be happy to dig through such an interesting offer even without filters and advanced search.

[button color=red link= target=”“]Uncrate – Free[/button]

Author Mário Lapos
