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This week, Apple once again took care with updates, not only for iPhone and Mac, but also for AirPods. In addition to updates, today's summary will talk about the expansion of iPhone production or why the police started giving out AirTags for free.

Further expansion of iPhone production

Apple is really serious about living up to its commitment to rely less and less on manufacturing in China, which is currently seen as problematic for a number of reasons. Today, the partial transfer of production of some devices to India or Vietnam is no longer a secret, but last week an interesting report appeared in the media, according to which iPhones should also be produced in Brazil. The production here is provided by the company Foxconn, according to available reports, the respective factories are located near Sao Paolo.

Free AirTags from the police

Most of us are used to the fact that when the police give out something, it's usually fines. In the United States, however, the practice is slowly starting to spread, in which the police distribute AirTags to the owners of vehicles parked in risky places - completely free of charge. Examples are the New York districts of Soundview, Castle Hill or Parkchester, where recently there has been a significant increase in crime, connected, among other things, to car theft. The New York Police Department has therefore decided to give out several hundred AirTags to car owners in the most risky zones, which are supposed to help track down the stolen car in case of theft.

Security and firmware updates

Apple was also busy with updates this week. At the beginning of the week, it released a security update for iOS 16.4.1 and macOS 13.3.1. These were small but important updates, but unfortunately the installation was not without problems at first - users had to face a warning about the impossibility of verification when trying to update. Owners of AirPods wireless headphones have received a firmware update for a change. It is labeled 5E135 and is designed for all AirPods models except for the 1st generation AirPods. The firmware will be installed automatically once the AirPods are connected to the iPhone.

