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July was the most financially successful month in the history of the App Store. In the first week of August, even the development of applications does not slow down, and the 31st Application Week of 2016 therefore brings information about a new Czech application that helps to help injured animals, a competitor to Google Docs and Quip, Paper from Dropbox arriving on iOS, the writing application Ulysses and its new support for WordPress and next.

News from the world of applications

Dropbox's collaboration tool Paper comes to iOS (3.8.)

In October last year the announced Paper from Dropbox is very similar to Google Docs. It therefore serves to create documents that are automatically stored in the cloud and allows several people to collaborate on them at the same time. It adds a task system and chat for team communication.

The desktop trial has been available by invitation since October, and now the public beta for iOS has appeared for the first time. It also allows you to create and edit documents (write and add images from the device gallery), communicate with other team members and comment on documents. With the arrival of iOS, a new notification system appears in Paper, which includes comments as well as replies and mentions elsewhere. Work with tables, search and galleries have been improved, which now allow you to comment on individual images.

Paper for iOS isn't available in Europe yet, but Dropbox promises that will change soon.

Source: Apple Insider

1Password introduced an individual subscription option (3.8.)

A new subscription to popular password manager 1Password will allow individuals to use the same platform as 1Password Teams. For $2,99 ​​a month, they get 1GB of secure cloud space and a 365-day history of login changes. An account for individuals with these parameters will also offer two-factor authentication with TSL and SSL transmission protocols, cross-platform automatic synchronization, protection against data loss and access to the account from the web

Those who order a subscription before September 21, 2016 will receive a free cross-platform half-year subscription.

Source: Apple Insider

July was the biggest month in the App Store in history (3.8.)

The Services, including the App Store, are currently the fastest growing segment of Apple. The third fiscal quarter of 2016 was its biggest so far in terms of turnover. So it's not too much of a surprise that April was the most financially successful month in the history of the iOS app store.

Tim Cook boasted about it on his Twitter and added that developers have already earned over 50 billion dollars in the App Store.

Source: MacRumors

New applications

The Animal in Need application wants to help with animal protection

The new Czech application "Animal in need" is intended for animals rather than people. However, since animals are often unable to provide help themselves, it is useful to have it in your facility. When finding an injured animal, one often does not know how to help it and can often unintentionally cause it more suffering than benefit. The application uses GPS to find the nearest rescue station and offers the possibility to contact it and consult the situation with experts. If necessary, the current location of the animal can also be shared with them, according to automatic GPS determination or your own choice.

The app also includes a tab for donating to non-profit organizations that help animals.

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Important update

The Apple Store mobile application has received new features

A few days ago an application update has been announced Apple Store adding product recommendations and accessories. This update went out last week.

Apple Music for Android has left beta

Apple Music streaming service is now available on Android since November last year. However, it was not until version 1.0 that it left the stage of the public trial version. This should primarily mean better stability and performance of the application. In addition, the updated application brings only one new feature, the equalizer.

Apple Music for Android was last updated in March, when she got her own widget.

Twitter for iOS has gained keyboard shortcuts support for external keyboards

One of the developers Twitter for iOS, Amro Mousa, seemed to casually mention on his Twitter that owners of iOS devices using external hardware keyboards can now use keyboard shortcuts.

Their list is displayed after holding the Command (CMD) key: CMD+N starts writing a new tweet, Shift+CMD+[ is used to jump one tab to the left, Shift+CMD+] to the right.

But there are also other shortcuts available, not shown in the list: CMD+W closes the tweet creation dialog, CMD+R displays writing a reply when an open tweet or in a private conversation, CMD+Enter sends a tweet, and the CMD+1-5 key combination allows you to switch between panels application.

You can now publish to WordPress in Ulysses

Sophisticated writing application, Ulysses, gained support for Dropbox and publishing on the WordPress web publishing system.

Applications for iOS i Mac allows you to set the publication time, work with tags, categories, extracts and determine the main image. All this is available for both blogs and standalone websites using the WordPress system.

In addition to iCloud, documents can also be synced via Dropbox, and files stored there behave the same as standard Ulysses files. This means that they can be filtered, sorted according to different criteria, create group goals, add files to favorites, etc.

Ulysses for iOS also received features known from the Mac version: the "Quick Open" function allows you to search and open files across the entire library hierarchy, and the so-called Typewriter Mode promises more focused writing, e.g. by marking paragraphs and sentences, blocking text scrolling, highlighting the current line, etc. .

Finally, Ulysses for both iOS and Mac got VoiceOver support.

Further from the world of applications:


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