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Tapbots, the creators of the popular Twitter client Tweetbot, have introduced a new Mac app called Pastebot. It is a simple tool that can manage and collect all your copied links, articles or just words. For now is Pastebot available in public beta.

According to the developers, Pastebot is the successor discontinued app of the same name for iOS, which was created back in 2010 and enabled synchronization between Mac and iOS. The new Pastebot is an endless clipboard manager that almost every user will appreciate. As soon as you copy some text, it is also automatically saved in Pastebot, where you can return to it at any time. The application also includes various options for filtering, searching or automatic conversion to different programming languages.

Pastebot has only been out for a few days, but I've already appreciated it a few times. I often copy the same links, characters and wording into email and social networks. Once you start Pastebot, an icon will appear in the top menu bar, thanks to which you can quickly access the clipboard. It is even faster with the keyboard shortcut CMD+Shift+V, which brings up the clipboard.

Inside the application, you can divide the individual copied texts into folders as you wish. A few interesting tips are automatically pre-installed in Pastebot, for example interesting quotes from famous people, including some Steve Jobs slogans. But it is mainly a demonstration of what you can collect in the application.

Pastebot is not the first such clipboard for Mac, for example Alfred also works on a similar principle, but Tapbots have traditionally taken great care in their application and pushed the functionality even further. For each copied word, you will find a button for sharing, which includes, among other things, export to e-mail, social networks or the Pocket application. For individual links, you can also see where you copied the text from, i.e. whether from the Internet or another source. Detailed information about the text, including word count or format, is also available.

You can still download and test Pastebot for free thanks public beta version. However, the creators of Tapbots clearly state that they will soon end the beta version and the application will appear as paid in the Mac App Store. The developers also promise that once Apple officially launches a new version of the macOS Sierra operating system, they expect Tapbots to integrate new features. And if there is a lot of interest from users, Pastebot may return to iOS in a new version. Already now, Tapbots want to support easy clipboard sharing between macOS Sierra and iOS 10.

Complete feature overview including tips on how to use Pastebot, can be found on the Tapbots website.
