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Old computers are often valuable collectibles. It is no different with computers from Apple. Twelve Apple I computers were gathered at the Vintage Computer Festival West exhibition. It is very rare to gather so many.

The Vintage Computer Festival West exhibition was held August 3rd and 4th at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. Visitors could see a lot of rare old computers that experienced the dawn of the digital era.

The organizers managed several hussar tricks. For example, a completely restored on-board computer of the Apollo mission, including a working screen, was on display. However, attention was not only drawn to the device that wrote the history of cosmonautics.

Apple computer 1

A similar commotion was caused by twelve Apple I computers. The computer is now very rare and it is estimated that there are only 70 pieces left in the world. Moreover, most of them no longer work at all.

In addition, the original and current owners of these amazing machines gathered at the exhibition. The organizers also invited former Apple employees who helped build the company. The exhibition also included a block of lectures on history and one panel also related to Apple.

Apple I an antique that will ensure a peaceful old age

Today, the Apple I computer is already among the sought-after "antiques" from the field of computer technology. All these machines were made by hand by Apple founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

They sold them through the now legendary electronics store Byte Shop. Approximately 200 of these computers were produced, but 175 were eventually sold directly.

Even the original price was high for its time. The Apple I cost $666,66. In addition, we are essentially talking about a motherboard that lacked any other peripherals. A keyboard, monitor or even a power supply was not included.

And the auctions also show that this is an extremely rare and sought-after computer. One of the Apple I computers was auctioned for $471 in May of this year. However, this is not unusual, since pieces were auctioned for an incredible $900. The original computer manual is also of great value. Last month, one of the prints sold for $12.

Source: AppleInsider
