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iPhone owners and one-person strategy fans have reason to celebrate. Another great strategy has arrived on iPhones, which settles on the smartphone platform from Apple after receiving a port to the iPad. This is the popular game Tropico, which appeared in a tablet conversion last winter. The transformation to the smallest possible device is now complete and users can play even on iPhone displays.

Tropico Strategy is essentially a dictator regime simulator. The iPad version was released in December last year, and now, with a five-month delay, the iPhone version is also coming to the App Store. Behind both conversions is the studio Feral Interactive, for whom creating ports on macOS/iOS is their daily bread.

For the needs of iPhones, it was necessary to change the controls a little to make full use of the small space on the screen. However, the game should differ only minimally from the version for iPads. The latest strategic venture from Feral can be played by users who own an iPhone SE/6S and later. Tropico requires iOS 12 (and later) and takes about 3GB of space on your device.

A one-time price is paid for the game ( 299,-) without additional added microtransactions and if you have already purchased the iPad version, you can download it to your iPhone as well (sharing of apps is a matter of course).

Along with the release of Tropica for iPhone, the game is getting a pretty major update that greatly improves the iPad version. Both the user interface has undergone changes, and several new gameplay elements have been added. iPhone owners thus have at their disposal another great strategy that complements the ranks of the original Rome Total War and Civilization.

tropic iphone