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You probably know the feeling when you decide to register for a new service or web platform and start thinking about what your password should look like. Sure, you can choose the name of your favorite pet, or your girlfriend or wife, but nowadays everyone knows that this decision will not protect you in any way. And as the analysis revealed, it is not enough to throw a few random or, God forbid, consecutive numbers. On the other hand, we have another eventuality that can really blow your mind, and that is random generators that create a password of the required length, but it is almost impossible to remember it. It is therefore ideal to use a password manager, where you can choose easy-to-remember access data without having to fear theft. But let's leave the polemics aside, because the end of the year is here and there is nothing better than taking it a little lightly and humorously. For example, with a list of the worst passwords for 2020.

Pokemon won't protect you, and Superman won't

When it comes to passwords, many people automatically and naturally reach for whatever is closest to them. In many cases, the initial idea becomes the entertainment industry, which offers a whole lot of well-known superheroes, characters and iconic figures. However, although these heroes of many children and adults excel on the silver screen and offer first-class entertainment, the opposite is true in the world of passwords and security. As experts from the company NordPass, which, among other things, provides a password manager service, revealed, a significant number of users reach for such simple words as Naruto or Batman, without bothering to make the process of taking over the account at least a little more difficult for potential attackers. You can see the result from the category "the dumbest passwords modeled after the entertainment industry" below, and if you find yourself using any of them, you can also quickly change it.

   • pokemon
   • superman
   • naruto
   • blink182
   • batman
   • starwars

Even sports fans were not embarrassed in the competition for the worst slogan

If you just happen to be a sports fan and have a favorite team, there's nothing easier than using it as a hint to log into your account. Unfortunately, many people soon regret this decision bitterly when one day they receive an email that their access data has been stolen. The same is true of the NordPass analysis, according to which the sports sector was naturally included in the list of the worst passwords, where there were such pearls as "soccer", "football" or "basketball". All things considered, choosing a favorite team is at least a little less dangerous than the examples just mentioned. One way or another, even if you sometimes think of including sports in your password repertoire, we recommend at least choosing lower and upper case letters with a combination of numbers or special characters. You can then take a look at the extended list below so you know what to avoid.

   • soccer
   • football
   • baseball
   • basketball
   • football1

Food should only be left on the plate to be safe

Just like every year, food lovers who don't want to worry too much about choosing the right password, so they choose the simplest possible words and expressions, did not forget to include themselves in the list this year. If we leave culinary delicacies and specialties aside, slogans like these have become evergreen this year "chocolate", "cookie" or "peanut". We admit that delicacies can sometimes tempt you to remind yourself of them every time you log into your account, however, in this case, this is a rather dangerous trivialization, which in the end can cost you not only personal data, but in the worst case, a breach other, similar passwords. We would therefore strongly recommend avoiding their use and otherwise make the same mistake as users who chose the passwords mentioned below.

   • chocolate
   • cookies
   • pepper
   • cheese
   • peanuts

Cursing has premiered this year, apparently due to working from home

The last and no less important category of our famous show is swearing. You might think that typing a swear word every time you log in to your email is a bit counterproductive, but the increased occurrence of similarly misleading passwords can be quite logically justified. The pandemic has forced a number of people to work from home, and there is nothing better than waking up in the morning, making a delicious cup of coffee and starting a demanding working day by treating your company account to some apt and in many cases rather censored allusion. The list isn't very long, and according to NordPass, it only contains two words that made it into the top 200 worst passwords this year. And those are none other than that magical English phrase "fuck you", and so that it doesn't sound so empty, some more creative users chose a variant instead "fuckyou1". Well, as it turns out, the whole year 2020 can really be summed up in one word.

The list to rule them all or 10 attempts at the worst possible password

Now we come to the highlight of the evening. We could argue about categories forever, and as the list proves, human creativity (and at the same time naivety) seriously knows no bounds in this regard. So let's take a look at ten selected passwords from the list of two hundred adepts, which took the first places in the ranking. In addition, since last year, paradoxically, there has been no improvement, but rather a deterioration, and for example the famous password "123123" made it from 18th place last year to 7th place this year. The rest of the famous ten, however, does not change much and we guarantee you that at least some of the creations will make you smile mischievously.

On the other hand, choosing the wrong password is relatively easy, so at the end of the year we'd recommend a few tips and tricks to keep yourself safe. First, follow the rule of uppercase and lowercase letters, do not forget about sufficient randomness, and above all, avoid commonly known words and sequences of characters if possible. Second, implement all kinds of characters and numbers in your password, again in the same way as for letters. We also recommend the site HaveIBeenPwned, where you can test whether your password has been cracked. With that, we say goodbye for this year, we wish you to step into 2021 on the right foot, and finally, as a sweet ending, we leave you with the promised list of the 10 worst passwords that will at least make your New Year's Eve more pleasant.

North Pass
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