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Apple has some of the best engineers in the world. And he has a lot of them. For the sake of interest: in 2021 se 800 engineers devoted only to camera development, and 80 others recently worked on one chip to increase battery life. However, they have not yet managed to solve the battery life puzzle.

And before Apple's engineers push the idea of ​​self-charging batteries to the end, we'll imagine a few ways to extend battery life.


Avoid charging from 0 to 100%

A lot of first-timers will tell you that the battery does the most good if you let it charge to full capacity, then discharge it completely and possibly repeat the whole process. This concept was true long ago when batteries had so-called "battery memory" that allowed them to "remember" and decrease their optimal capacity over time.

However, smartphone battery technology is already different today. Charging your iPhone to full capacity puts a strain on the battery, especially during the last 20% charge. And an even worse situation occurs when you leave the iPhone in the charger for too long and it is forced to work at 100% charge for several hours. People who charge their phone overnight should be particularly careful.

Charging from 0% doesn't help either. It can happen that the battery goes into deep hibernation mode, which reduces its capacity faster than under normal conditions. So what is the recommended range? It should be charged between 20 and 80%. Technically, 50% is optimal, but it's not realistic to keep your phone at 50% all the time.

Adjust settings to save energy

Battery life is calculated on the number of charging cycles, more precisely it is five hundred cyclesat. After approximately 500 charges and discharges, your battery capacity will decrease by approximately 20%. Interestingly, charging from 50% to 100% is only half a cycle.

But how does the above relate to this point? When you set everything up with the lowest possible power consumption in mind, the phone won't need to be charged as much and the battery will drop to 80% capacity in a longer time. According to most experts, this is the point at which the iPhone battery needs to be replaced.

For example, you might consider adjusting the Raise to Wake, Restrict Motion, lower brightness / use auto-brightness, and set a shorter auto-lock time.

Enable optimized battery charging

This feature could probably be classified under adjusting settings, but it deserves its own category because it's so useful. Optimized battery charging is a feature that Apple has introduced since iOS 13.

The feature uses Siri's intelligence to estimate phone usage and adjust the charging cycle accordingly. For example, if you charge overnight, the iPhone will get to 80%, wait, and charge the remaining 20% ​​when you wake up. You can find the function in Settings > Battery > Battery status.

Prevent the battery from overheating

Most batteries don't like temperature extremes, and that goes for all batteries, not just those in iPhones. iPhones are very durable, but everything has its limits. The optimal range for iOS devices is from 0 to 35 °C. 

Possible extremes on one side or the other of this temperature range tend to result in faster battery degradation.

Do not use too demanding applications

The worst thing is to leave your phone in the car in the summer. Also try not to use your phone while charging and consider removing the case to charge.

Even very demanding applications are double-edged. First, they cause the phone to overheat by draining the battery faster, but at the same time, the phone needs to be charged more often, which is not exactly healthy for battery life.

Try to consider playing a battery-friendly mobile mini-game or something when playing games free casino games. Battery it drains a lot, for example, games, such as Genshin Impact, PUBG, Grid Autosport and Sayonara Wild Hearts. But even Facebook has a big impact!

Prefer Wi-Fi over mobile

This point is another way to reduce the charging frequency. Wi-Fi uses significantly less energy compared to mobile data. Try turning off mobile data when you have access to a secure Wi-Fi connection.

Use dark themes

We have another tip for you to help you save energy. Dark themes have been supported since iPhone X. The devices have OLED or AMOLED displays and pixels that should be black can be turned off. 

A dark theme on an OLED or AMOLED display saves a lot of energy. In addition, it is characterized by a sharp contrast between black and other colors, which is nice and at the same time does not strain the eyes.

Monitor battery usage

In the Battery section of the iPhone settings, there are statistics showing battery usage for the last 24 hours and up to 10 days. Thanks to this, you are able to determine exactly when you use the most energy and which applications drain the battery the most.

You might find that some apps are consuming a significant amount of power even though you don't use them much. Limiting their use, turning them off or uninstalling them completely is worth considering.

Avoid fast charging

Fast charging puts strain on the iPhone battery. It's a good idea to avoid it whenever you don't need to have the battery charged to the max. This tip comes in handy especially if you're charging overnight or at a desk job.

Try getting a slower charger or charge through your computer's USB port. External battery packs and smart external plugs can also limit the charge flow to the phone.

Keep iPhone charged at 50%

If you want to put your iPhone away for a long time, it is best to leave the battery charged at 50%. Storing your iPhone at 100% charge can significantly shorten battery life. 

A discharged cell phone, on the other hand, could go into a state of deep discharge, which then makes it impossible to maintain a larger amount of charge.


Of course, you bought an iPhone to use it. But it is always better to try to extend the life of the battery as much as possible, thereby reducing costs related to replacement and at the same time saving time and the environment. So keep these 10 key points in mind:

  • Avoid charging from 0 to 100%.
  • Adjust settings to save energy
  • Enable optimized battery charging
  • Prevent the battery from overheating
  • Do not use too demanding applications
  • Prioritize Wi-Fi over mobile data
  • Monitor battery usage
  • Use dark themes
  • Avoid fast charging
  • Keep iPhone charged at 50%