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The last feline, OS X Mountain Lion, brought the integration of saving files to iCloud, for example Pages, Numbers, Keynote, TextEdit or Preview. Of course, the preset saving of text somewhere in the safety of remote servers will come in handy, however, not everyone has to prioritize this option over saving to a local disk.

We will not bother you with an unnecessarily lengthy description of the procedure, because the solution is very simple. Open Terminal (preferably by searching for it via Spotlight) and enter the following command:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false

He will restart his Mac and from now on it will show saving to your local drive as the default option, while of course the ability to use iCloud has not disappeared. You can still store your files on it without any problems. However, if you ever want to keep iCloud in the first place, copy the same command into Terminal, just replace the value false za true.

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool true