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Apple CEO Tim Cook made a trip to Germany this week. As part of the visit, he met, among other things, the developers of the Algoriddim music mixing app. He also had a meeting with local Apple employees, which took place in one of the local design centers. He didn't even miss the popular Oktoberfest, which was in full swing here, and where he posed with a "tuplak" of beer.

Traveling to all corners of the world is an inherent part of Tim Cook's position at Apple. Cook willingly shares his knowledge and travel experiences on his Twitter account, and the trip to Germany was no exception in this regard. The first of the tweets came out already on Sunday - it was a photo of Cook posing with a giant glass of beer during the celebrations of the traditional Munich Oktoberfest.

In the second of his tweets, Cook poses for a photo at a mixing desk with Karim Morsy. Karim once worked as an intern at Apple, then collaborated on the development of Algoriddim, an app that aims to make DJ creation and music mixing accessible to all users. Cook is wearing Beats headphones hanging around his neck in the photo.

On Monday morning, Tim Cook then stopped by Munich's Bavarian Design Center, which, according to him, designs, among other things, "chips that improve battery life." During his visit, Cook thanked all the responsible teams for their work and attention to detail. Cook's footsteps finally led to the headquarters of the developers of the Blinkist app on Monday, after the visit, Cook said he was strongly impressed by the local team.

Tim Cook Germany
Source: Apple Insider
