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A very unusual statement was issued by Apple CEO Tim Cook. It did not concern his company or some of its products. Tim Cook was visibly touched by the new book Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs by journalist Yukari I. Kane. Tim Cook called her work nonsense.

A book Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs, loosely translated into Czech as A haunted empire: Apple after Steve Jobs, appeared on store shelves these days, and at the same time the first reviews were published.

For example, he published a detailed analysis of the last book on the topic of "Apple". Macworld, whose verdict is clear: the book clings too convulsively to its outlined line, that things are going downhill for Apple, that it cannot objectively evaluate the post-Steve Jobs era. Rene Ritchie z also called the book bad iMore: “This is a bad book. It's certainly arguable that without Steve Jobs, Apple is no longer the company that rocked the world with the Mac, the iPod and iTunes and the iPhone. There are certainly reasons why Apple is doomed (popular English phrase "Apple is doomed"). But Kane is unable to point to them. What's worse, she doesn't even try.'

It was understandably expected that other colleagues from the industry would comment on the work of Kane, who, for example, was the first to report on Jobs' liver transplant in 2009. However, Tim Cook himself came unexpectedly with a very sharp comment, who for CNBC he wrote:

This is the same nonsense I've read in some other Apple books. The book completely fails to capture Apple, Steve, or anyone else inside the company. Apple has over 85 employees who come to work every day to do the best work, to create the best products, to make the world a better place. This has been at the heart of Apple since the beginning and will remain so for decades to come. I am very confident about our future. There have always been many doubters in our history, but they only make us stronger.

This is a truly unexpected and unprecedented move from Tim Cook. Until now, it was certainly not customary for anyone from Apple's management to comment on similar matters. However, after several headlines that have already been written about Apple, the CEO seems to have run out of patience and felt the need to express his displeasure with how journalists are misrepresenting the current Apple.

Sharp criticism from the most professional, however, the author of the book Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs she doesn't regret too much, rather the opposite, as she revealed to pro Re / code:

If the book evoked such strong feelings in Tim Cook, it must have touched him in some way. Even I was surprised by my conclusions, so I sympathize with him. I'd love to talk to him or anyone else at Apple, whether in public or in private. I wrote this book hoping to spark a discussion, and I'm glad I did.
