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meditation a relaxation it is not necessarily always associated with deep concentration, complex yogic asanas, Zen and other things. Relaxing exercises can perform practically anyone, anywhere and anytime. You can call on one of the applications, which we will present to you in the next part of our series.

Insight Timer

Application Insight Timer it is intended not only for those who prefer voice guided meditation, but will also serve fans of various relaxation sounds a melodies. You can really use the application completely free – just register. Insight Timer offers a comprehensive library of meditation and relaxation programs from various authors and pro different situations and purposes, from concentration or relaxation to higher self-confidence or easier falling asleep.

smiling mind

Creators of a relaxing mindfulness application smiling mind they state that their application is intended for real to everyone - from children until adults a seniors. Smiling Mind is Free an application that was developed in collaboration with psychologists and other experts. It is intended to help users better manage pressure, stress and other daily life challenges. It offers a range relaxation programs, which will help you focus better on your body, work properly with your own thoughts or perhaps breathe properly.


Stop, Breathe & Think

Stop, Breathe & Think is an application that aims to help users find their inner peace whenever and where ever. In addition to programs managed meditation Stop, Breathe & Think app also offers videos with acupressure a by yoga. To verify that the offered exercises and programs really have their own effect, you can use in the application daily to record your changes moods. The application is available for download free, offers a regular subscription.

Nature Soundloops

If guided voice meditation does not suit you for any reason, you can try it voices a sounds of nature, which the application offers Nature Soundloops. As the name suggests, you will find the Nature Soundloops app unleashing the sounds of nature in endless loops. The application is completely free, no ads, no subscriptions, and no in-app purchases.


Application Break it is ideal for all those who need at least a moment from time to time turn off. It combines ancient principles Tai Chi with the advantages of modern technologies, and its use is really very simple – you only need to slowly and carefully slide your finger over the colored ones images on the display - you may be surprised at how this seemingly simple activity can lead you release and help you get better concentration.
