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You could already see countless variations on the legendary Tetris. The simple concept of stacking falling blocks into neat rows still works as well as it did in the 1980s. Fortunately, however, some developers understand it only as a springboard from which they go into the depths of their own creativity and add new game mechanics to the proven gameplay. This is also the case with the newly released Aloof. The developers from the studio ButtonX, who are behind this game, describe it as a puzzle game, which is supposed to resemble, for example, the famous Puyo Puyo Tetris, but is played in a completely different way.

The cute visuals of the game hide a number of unique game mechanics. The basic arrangement of pieces into structured parts remains the same, but in each of the levels your goal is not only to bring the game to a successful end, but above all to defeat your opponent. By stacking pieces into certain shapes, you gradually build a safe island on your side of the screen while trying to sink your opponent's island. At the same time, your opponent, who can sabotage your efforts, is the main cause of your problems. You have to act quickly and by successfully stacking attack the opponent and heal yourself effectively at the same time.

Unlike Tetris, Aloof is not a hectic game. For you, the time limit is just your opponent's fighting effort, and you don't have to worry about building too high a brick wall. In Aloof, you have to instruct the cubes to fall, and if you don't like your building, you can simply "flush" it using the appropriate key. The game can also be played in multiplayer, offering both co-op and classic multiplayer modes.

You can buy Aloof here

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