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The coronavirus is slightly on the decline in the Czech Republic, but many of us are still staying at home and due to restrictions on gatherings and the free movement of people, our plans have probably been disrupted. If you have nothing to do, you like to play a game, but you want to have a slightly different gaming experience, then this article is just for you. Let's imagine the title Evidence 111, a game created by a Czech studio Play by Ears.

Story and controls

After starting the game, you will be transferred to the 80s of the last century, and you will assume the role of an American police officer, Alice Wells, the chief of the town of Fairfield. She ends up on the island at the creepy Harber Watch Inn, where it's hard to trust anyone. As it follows from the previous lines, this is an interesting detective story. Leading Czech dubbers lent their voices to the protagonists, including Tereza Hofová, Norbert Lichý and Bohdan Tůma. However, the gameplay and controls are far more unique. As you play, you listen to what's going on in the story and just decide on a certain option at those moments. Depending on your decision, the story unfolds further. But what's even more interesting is the fact that all the sound effects are top-notch, and if you put on the headphones, it feels almost the same as if you were watching a movie, that is, without the image. The game uses so-called "binaural audio", often associated with virtual reality, which ensures that the user feels as if he is literally surrounded by sound. All you have to do is close your eyes, put on your headphones and play.

proof 111 app store
Source: App Store

Gaming experience

When I first learned about the game, I had mixed feelings about it. I was looking forward to the perfect Czech dubs, but I didn't expect that the story would interest me. Thanks to the binaural technology, great-sounding music and, above all, luxurious acting, I couldn't tear myself away from my mobile phone. I wasn't even deterred by the message that to complete the story I have to activate an in-app purchase worth CZK 99. Although I managed to finish the story, I personally plan to play this title at least one more time. Unfortunately, there are things that really freeze on the other hand. One of the app's technical shortcomings is that the developers haven't made an iPad version - you have to hold it vertically. I'd still be able to get through that if the game had sync. If you start a title on your phone, you will also have to finish it on your smartphone, you cannot switch between devices.


The game Proof 111 is one of the most interesting games for both the sighted and the visually impaired that I have come across recently. For the blind, this is an incredible experience, where they can really enjoy it, especially with headphones, regular users get a different game environment that they are not used to, and they get to play the role of a blind player. In-app purchases won't ruin you, the great performances of all the dubbers will, on the contrary, excite you. The only thing I would criticize is the lack of synchronization on individual devices. If you have the desire and some spare time to try this unique feat, I recommend giving this game a chance. It is available for both Android and iOS.
