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If you're confused about silicon, hydrogen and aluminum and you own an iPhone or iPad, you'll certainly welcome a handy electronic chemistry puzzle. The application was created by Jan Dědek and is called Periodic Table+. As the name suggests, it is a table of chemical elements. Jablíčkář.cz tested the version intended for iPad.

The main screen consists of the periodic table itself, which is clearly color-coded according to groups. For elements, we find two basic pieces of information: proton number and atomic mass. For each of them, you can click to open a detailed description with information - from the Czech and Latin names to radioactivity to ionization potential (whatever that means). Most of these descriptions are accompanied by an image of the given element.

If this wasn't enough of a draw for students on the chemistry test, it is possible to quickly open the corresponding link from the Czech Wikipedia in the Safari browser. The filters at the top of the screen and, last but not least, the search by label, name or atomic number will help you quickly find the right element.

At first glance, the application has a somewhat unkempt, programmer-like appearance. The intervention of the designer would certainly not hurt, but on the other hand, it offers quite a few practical functions. Applications such as the highly successful The Elements, of course, cannot be compared to Periodic Table+ in terms of performance, but considering the price, it is a handy tool for anyone who occasionally struggles with chemistry.

[button color=red link= target=““]Periodic Table+ (iPad)- €1,59[/button][button color=red link= target=““] Periodic Table+ (iPhone) – €1,59[/button]

Author Filip Novotny
