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The geolocation social network Foursquare has always been very popular, among other things, for the possibility of a kind of "competition" between its users. They applied to various places and, based on the frequency and types of these applications, collected all kinds of badges and fought for the post of mayor in individual places. This honorable position could be achieved by the given user logging in the most times in the given location recently.

Last year, however, there was a big change in strategy and Foursquare has changed. The original Foursquare application has undergone a major redesign and turned into a service that is primarily intended to compete with Yelp and is a kind of database that recommends businesses to the user based on user reviews. In order to log in to individual places, a completely new Swarm application was created, which paradoxically lost many of the original Foursquare functions and drove many users away from the service.

The following year, based on public complaints, the company gradually returned the original "checking" function to Swarm and is still trying to win back its lost favor. Swarm has gradually received features that the original Foursquare had long ago, and users can finally compete for badges again, communicate with each other directly through the application, and the like.

Now, with version 2.5, Swarm finally comes with the missing fight for the office of the mayor of the given place to the users and thus functionally caught up with the application that existed already a year ago and the users loved it. But only time will tell if it is not too late.

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