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Steve Jobs is a legend that cannot be forgotten. Some idealize him, others criticize him for many things. What is certain, however, is that the co-founder of the currently richest company in the world left an indelible mark.

Among other things, Jobs also excelled in his public appearances, whether it was a legendary speech on the grounds of Stanford University or introducing new products. Let's recall the most significant moments of a person who became a significant part of the history of technology.

Here's to the crazy ones

The speech that Steve Jobs gave to Stanford University students in 2005 is one of the most quoted. Many people still see him as a huge inspiration. In it, among other things, Steve Jobs revealed many details from his life and spoke, for example, about his adoption, his career, his studies or his fight against cancer.

Mom, I'm on TV

Can you remember when Steve Jobs first appeared on television? The Internet remembers this, and on YouTube we can find a funny video of Steve Jobs preparing for his first TV appearance. The year was 1978, and Steve Jobs was grizzled, nervous, yet witty and charming.

Introducing the iPad

Although Steve Jobs claimed back in 2003 that Apple had no plans to release a tablet because people seemed to want keyboards, he seemed quite enthusiastic when the iPad was introduced seven years later. The iPad became a huge hit. It wasn't "just" a tablet. It was an iPad. And Steve Jobs definitely had something to be proud of.


1984 is not only the name of a cult novel by George Orwell, but also the name of an advertising spot that was inspired by the book. The ad became a hit and a cult that is still talked about today. Steve Jobs introduced it with due pride at the Apple Keynote in 1983.

Steve and Bill

Many pages have been written about the rivalry between Microsoft and Apple and countless jokes have been invented. But above all, there was mutual respect between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, even in spite of that digging, which Jobs did not forgive himself even at the All Things Digital 5 conference in 2007. "In a sense, we grew up together," Bill Gates once said. “We were roughly the same age and built great companies with the same naïve optimism. Even though we are rivals, we still maintain a certain respect."

Return of the legend

Among the legendary moments of Steve Jobs is his return to the head of Apple in 1997. The Apple company had to do without Jobs since 1985 and it did not do very well. For the moribund Apple, the return of the former director was a lifeline.

Without Wi-Fi

In 2010, Steve Jobs proudly introduced the iPhone 4 - a phone that was revolutionary in many ways. The charm and pitfall of "live" public conferences is that no one can tell in advance whether everything will go smoothly. At WWDC, during which Jobs presented the "four", the Wi-Fi connection failed twice. How did Steve deal with it?

The legendary three in one

In the list of unforgettable moments of Steve Jobs, the presentation of the first iPhone in 2007 must not be missing. At that time, Jobs was already a seasoned matador in the field of public appearances, and the launch of the iPhone within MacWorld had impact, wit and a unique charge.
