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Spotlight on Mac is an integral part of macOS. You can easily search for files and folders, open applications and much more through it. Most users use Spotlight on their Mac for virtually anything they're going to do. In practice, it can be said that currently users could do without Launchpad and Dock, as Spotlight handles everything. You can call it up on a Mac by pressing the keyboard shortcut Command + Space, or you can click on the magnifying glass icon in the right part of the top bar. Let's take a look at 5 tips for Spotlight on Mac that you should know together in this article.

See 5 tips for Spotlight on iPhone here

Opening the section in system preferences

Among other things, you can use Spotlight on Mac to quickly and easily display the selected section in system preferences. So if you need, for example, to quickly open the Monitors section in System Preferences, all you have to do is to They entered Spotlight Monitors – short and simple section name, which you are looking for. Then just press it Enter, which will take you to the section.

spotlight mac tips tricks

Fast calculations and conversions

Just like on the iPhone, Spotlight can be used on the Mac to quickly calculate or convert anything for you. For calculation of any example, simply type it into the Spotlight text field. If you want convert some currency, for example, from dollars to crowns, just type in Spotlight 10 dollars, which will immediately show you the amount in Czech crowns. You can also convert units, for example, inches to centimeters, by entering 10 inches to centimeters. Simply put, there are countless conversion options available in Spotlight – you just have to learn how to use them.

Searching for contacts

Do you need to quickly view a phone number, email, or other information about one of your contacts? Spotlight can also be used for this step. To display complete information about a person, just click on it and write in the search field first name and last name. After that, Spotlight will show you a complete card about the contact, incl phone numbers, addresses and more. Of course, you can directly from Spotlight to the selected contact call, or move to the application Messages to write a message.

spotlight mac tips tricks

Web browsing

Most of us use Google to search the Internet. So, if we need to find something out, we open a web browser, go to the Google site and enter the search term in the text field. But did you know that you can search much more easily and quickly, directly within Spotlight? So if you would like to search for something through Google, so be it type the expression into Spotlight, and then press the hotkey Command+B, which will open a new panel in Safari with the search term. Thanks to this, you do not need to manually open the browser, go to Google, and only then write and search for the term here.

Displaying the path to a file or folder

From time to time you may find yourself in a situation where you need to find a file or folder, but you need to know exactly where it is. The good news is that you can directly view the path to a specific file or folder within Spotlight. All you have to do is search for the file or folder, and then held down the Command key. Subsequently, the path to the file or folder will be displayed in the lower part of the Spotlight window. If s holding down the Command key on the searched file or folder you tap how about you opens in a new Finder window.

spotlight mac tips tricks