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If you prefer Spotify when it comes to streaming music apps, beware. A special event is planned for next week, where company representatives will present a completely new and completely overhauled application for mobile platforms. Some news and more fundamental changes have been talked about for several weeks now, and it seems that it will be the event planned for next week, when all the planned news will be presented.

It's been about a month since information hit the web that Spotify was planning to integrate voice control into its mobile app. This could be one of the news that fans can expect next week. The American server The Verge came with the information that they got their hands on an invitation to the above-mentioned event. During it, several important people from the company's management, such as the director of R&D, the vice president of product development or the global director of services for artists, will take turns on the stage.

Spotify was originally rumored to introduce a HomePod competitor. However, given the focus of the upcoming event, it's fairly clear that there won't be much talk about hardware. The main star should be the mobile application and the news it will bring. In addition to the aforementioned voice control, a completely redesigned model for non-paying users is also expected, which should allegedly be more user-friendly (it's hard to say what to imagine under this statement). If you're into Spotify, keep an eye out for next week's news. The event is scheduled for April 24.

Source: The Verge
