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Popularity and satisfaction with the current head of Apple has been declining in recent years. Tim Cook is even behind the current CEO of Microsoft.

The last published ranking of the web portal Glassdoor provides an interesting view of the directors of important companies. They are evaluated by their employees. Although the evaluation is anonymous, the server tries to require additional confirmations from the employees to prove their affiliation with the evaluated company.

Glassdoor allows you to evaluate your employer overall with many additional parameters. It can be about satisfaction, job content, career opportunities, benefits or salary, but also the evaluation of your superior and also the CEO of the given company.

Tim Cook always ranked at the top of the list. The year he took over from Steve Jobs, i.e. 2012, he even got 97%. That was more than Steve Jobs had at the time, whose rating stopped at 95%.


Tim Cook up once and down a second time

Cook's rating has weathered quite a few turbulences over the years. The following year, 2013, it dropped to 18th place. He remained here in 2014, and then climbed to 10th place in 2015. He also advanced in 2016, to 8th place. However, in 2017 it experienced a significant drop to 53rd place with a rating of 93% and last year it barely stayed in the prestigious TOP 100 with 96th place.

This year, Tim Cook advanced again, up to 69th place with a rating of 93%. However, it is necessary to take into account that the very placement in the TOP 100 is a great success. Many company directors never reach these levels. Others do, but they don't stay in the top XNUMX for that long.

Together with Mark Zuckerberg, Cook is the only one who has appeared in the ranking every year since its publication. The CEO of Facebook took the 55th position this year with a rating of 94%.

Many could still be surprised by Satya Nadella from Microsoft, who took the 6th place with a beautiful rating of 98%. The employees seem to appreciate both the new atmosphere in the company, but also the position he was given after the previous director.

A total of 27 companies from the technology sector were placed in the ranking, which is a good result for this industry.

Source: 9to5Mac
