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On the pages of the Ondřej Fér website, in the article CONFiDENTiAL: Apple trains its employees as if they were members of a cult writes:

The Gizmodo server has brought to light the handbook for Apple employees, and it must be noted that the headquarters of the most valuable company in the world will probably not be very happy about it.

From what Gizmodo has shown, it's clear that Apple's world is made up of two groups of people:

"GENIUSES." That's Apple employees and every Apple user with enough brainwashed according to the manual.
"THE OTHERS." These are the others who need to be sufficiently brainwashed using the manual, and if that is not possible, "they need to be eradicated by thermonuclear war."

Apple's handbook shows how, with a thoughtful and thorough knowledge of the manipulative and self-manipulative abilities of the human psyche, the company has built a position that today allows it to terrorize the world at will with the endless use of the iKonic i.

What about this new information being "fresh" as early as August of last year. The author winks conspiratorially at the reader and explains to him how it all actually is:

But Apple has perfected this system, reminiscent of the best practices of the Ministry of Truth. At least Apple's manual for using the globe makes you think so. So unless it's another marketing ploy, which wouldn't be surprising. And precisely this suspicion, which Apple arouses more and more, could one day be the end of it.

This text has only two minor flaws. Apple Employee Handbook is an obvious forgery. And Apple's negative viral campaign really, really doesn't.
