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I found one here free promo code on Talking Pics app ($6.99) and decided to dedicate it to one of my readers. The only downside is that the code can only be redeemed in the US Appstore (so if you don't have one, you'd have to create a US iTunes account). It took me a while to come up with a contest, but I ended up with this:

Since this one I write a weblog mainly for you, in short, I am interested in what kind of information you require the most (the overview of categories in the right column can help you), if I should write shorter (longer) articles, if there are not too many images in the article, if your blog is not displaying properly somewhere, or if you have any ideas and blog enhancements. Or maybe even a topic for an article. Of course the more you write to me, the more you will make me happy. And the more creative you are, the longer you write me a list of things that are missing here, the better I will be! From the received answers, I will draw one winner who will take home the program Talking Pics priced at $6.99. I will close the competition on Monday at 23:59.

Talking Pics is a utility that will surely be used by many people. When inserting a new note, si you select a photo (from iPhone camera or photo album) a you can attach a text or voice note to it. In addition, it is possible to locate this photo and add location information to it, so you will know exactly where you took this photo. You save these notes with photos in projects, which will create a slideshow, and you can also export this project to your desktop computer. Of course, you can also play notes for individual photos.

I can imagine many uses. For example, if you are walking around monuments, you can always take a picture of the monument and add a voice (or text) note to it. After arriving home, you like this you can replay your entire vacation and remember the good experiences. The program still has a few minor errors, but the authors will surely fix that in the future! So I ask, do you want him?
EDIT: 17:00 I'm sorry, the form somehow got angry and was not displayed. Everything is fine now!

Contest closed
