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At Jablíčkář, we like to show quality Czech products, and now you have the opportunity to compete for just such. In cooperation with the VIVID company, you can win high-quality leather cases and covers for iPhones and iPads, which you will definitely not match with.

We tried the unique VIVID Space case for iPhone 6/6S, which is unique thanks to the AirHold technology, at Jablíčkář, now you can also win a leather case for iPad Air 2 and a pocket for iPhone 6/6S. You can choose the color combination for each product yourself.


We are playing for the following prizes:

  1. VIVID case for iPad Air 2
  2. VIVID Space iPhone 6/6s
  3. VIVID Sleeve iPhone 6/6s

Simply answer the following question correctly to enter the competition, which runs until midnight on Saturday (April 30, 2016). Selected winners who answer correctly will be announced on Sunday (May 1, 2016).

Rules: The constant is obtained by dividing the number of correct answers by the number 5. You can find more about the logic of choosing the winner in rules, which you agree to by sending your vote.

Updated 2/5/2016 12.20/XNUMX

The correct answer to the question was "nanopad".

A total of 413 votes were cast in the contest. After removing duplicates and incorrect answers, 364 valid votes remained.

VIVID case for iPad Air 2 is getting Stanislav Dusanek, VIVID Space for iPhone 6/6S is getting Philip Ambrose and VIVID Sleeve for iPhone 6/6S gets Lukáš Trejbal.
