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If you like competitions, the following lines will please you very much. We have prepared a great competition for you today. Specifically, we will be playing for PanzerGlass Spray Twice A Day disinfectant sprays, which we will give to three of you thanks to our collaboration with PanzerGlass.

How to get involved:

  1. Share this post on your Facebook profile (publicly)
  2. Like this post and the Jablíčkář page
  3. Write the answer to the question in the comments: "FROM what country does PanzerGlass come from?'

On Monday, June 1st at 20:00 p.m., we will draw three winners who meet all four of the above conditions (verification will be in progress). We will mail the prize to the winner.

PS: Don't forget to turn on messaging (if you haven't already) so we can send you a win message and address request. Also check "Message Requests."
