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The Facebook Messenger communication service is one of the most widespread around the world. That's also why it tries to constantly add new features to not only keep existing users, but also try to attract new ones. Some may be unnecessary, but others, such as call encryption, are really important. Look at the list of the latest news that the service brings or has already brought. 

AR video calls 

Group effects are new experiences in AR that provide a more fun and cognitively immersive way to connect with friends and family. There are more than 70 group effects that users can enjoy during a video call, from a game where you compete for the best burger to an effect with a cute orange cat that permeates the image of everyone present in the conversation. In addition, at the end of October, Facebook will expand access to the Spark AR Multipeer API to allow even more creators and developers to create these interactive effects.


Group communications across applications 

Already last year, Facebook announced the possibility of sending messages between Messenger and Instagram. Now, the company has followed up on this connection with the possibility to communicate between platforms and within group chats. At the same time, it also introduces the possibility of creating polls, in which you can vote on the given topic with the contacts present and thus come to a better agreement.



Since the chat can reflect your mood, you can also customize it accordingly with numerous themes. They are constantly being expanded and new variants of it are added. You can find them after clicking on the chat, selecting communication and selecting the Topic menu. The new ones include, for example, Dune referring to the blockbuster movie of the same name, or astrology.


End-to-end encryption 

Although this function is not visible, it is all the more fundamental. Facebook has added end-to-end encryption for voice and video calls to Messenger. Society in its own blog post announced that it's rolling out the change along with new controls for its disappearing messages. Meanwhile, Messenger has been encrypting text messages since 2016.


Since people send more than 2,4 billion messages with emojis on Messenger every day, Facebook wants to make them a little better. Because he wants his emoticons to actually talk. You select an emoticon accompanied by a sound effect from the menu, which will be played after its delivery to the recipient. It can be a drum, laughter, applause and much more.


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