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You won't get lost with navigation, so at least the creators themselves present their application. It is true, however, that in the country it is one of the most popular titles not only for navigating behind the wheel, but also for hiking, cycling and many other sports, as it is used by over a million people a day. In addition, the application is constantly being improved with new options and functions, and here you will find an overview of the latest ones, if any have escaped your attention. 

Faster routes 

Search results now display descriptions that dynamically adapt to the displayed area. In addition, the current rating is also displayed for companies and businesses. A faster route option is also now offered in the navigation. It is displayed when, for example, a newly created problem appears on the road ahead of you, which is convenient to bypass. However, the decision to do so is of course up to you.


Location sharing to mitigate covid

As the covid pandemic is slowly dying down (at least for the time being), the app is ending location sharing to mitigate the spread of this contagion. This is also due to its numerous mutations. All data used to identify risky contacts is deleted from the application and the information banner is no longer displayed here.


Shortcuts to last places 

When you enter a search, in addition to your home or work address, you will now also see shortcuts referring to the places you were last navigated to. You can easily return to the places you liked.

Panoramic images 

The first wave of new panoramic images was published in the application. They cover a total of 14 kilometers across 21 large cities, and especially interesting places in the western third of the republic. If you were wondering how many photos there are, 2,8 million. It is part of the Ústí and Karlovy Vary regions and České Budějovice. The resolution of the images has been increased by about three times compared to the previous solution, now each sub-image has 14 x 400 pixels.



If you are interested in someone's review or photo in the application, you can open the author's profile anew. In it, you will subsequently find all his photos and ratings that he has added. In connection with this, the application can also inform you with a notification after visiting a business so that you can leave a review about it yourself. In this way, you will help the community in discovering those places that are worth it.

Speeding warning 

If you use the application to navigate in a car, then can inform you when you exceed the speed limit. However, this is not only visually, but in the case of really significantly exceeding the permitted speed, also acoustically. Of course, this is in connection with greater security, and not only yours. Sometimes a person simply forgets to put his foot on the gas, and this will hopefully warn him in time.

Credibility of companies 

Through the administration interface of, you can insert a badge with a rating and a map with a preview of the branch on your page. A completely new widget with the rating of your company and the logo has just been added. You can insert it not only in websites but also in the e-mail signature.

You can download the application from the App Store here
