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Whether you're driving into an unfamiliar city or going on a weekend trip, Google Maps can make you the ideal companion that won't let you get lost. Google is constantly improving its title, and here you will find an overview of the latest published news that will soon be added to it. 

Best route with toll price 

For the first time ever, toll prices are displayed in the app to make the maps easier for you to decide whether you're going to slog through the districts or whiz along the toll highways. The company draws its information from local authorities, although Google still states that the prices are indicative after all. These are primarily tolls, where you pay for passage through certain sections, not the one we know in our country, i.e. in the form of highway stamp. The function is first launched overseas and in India, Japan or Indonesia, however, other countries should be added soon.

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More detailed map 

Rich details are added to maps when navigating to help you better identify unfamiliar environments, especially in cities. Traffic lights and STOP signs will soon appear at intersections, and in selected cities you will also see the shape and width of the road, including the islands present. This is so that you don't have to change lanes at the last minute and thus have a better overview of the surroundings.

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New widgets 

Widgets on the home screen will be much smarter. In them, Google will allow you to access your pinned routes and at the same time show the arrival time, the departure time of public transport or a better suggested route.

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Navigation from Apple Watch 

In the horizon of a few weeks, Google wants to bring its Maps to the Apple Watch as well, which of course you will appreciate especially when hiking, when you won't have to look for your phone in your backpack. At the same time, a new "Take me home" complication will be added, which with one tap will start navigating you to your home address, wherever you are.

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Siri and Spotlight 

Google Maps will also learn Shortcuts, when you just need to say "Hey Siri, get directions" or "Hey Siri, search in Google Maps" and you will immediately be presented with the appropriate results. Shortcuts will come in the coming months, Siri Search by the end of the summer.

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