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It often happens that although a product or service is a pioneer of its kind, it does not necessarily become the most famous or the most successful. Recently, it seems that this fate may also befall the audio chat platform Clubhouse, which is facing increasing competition on many fronts. Facebook is also preparing its own application of this type, but it does not intend to end only with this project. You will find out what else he is up to in our morning summary of the past day. In addition to Facebook's plans, it will also talk about an application that could help with the treatment of the consequences of the coronavirus infection.

Facebook's grand plans

Facebook launched a trial run of its own audio chat platform this month to compete with Clubhouse. But her plans for the future do not end there. Zuckerberg's company also plans to launch an audio-only version of its video conferencing platform called Rooms, which it introduced last year, and is also looking to venture into podcasting. There are also plans to develop a feature that will allow Facebook users to record short voice messages and add them to their Facebook statuses. The aforementioned Facebook podcast service should be connected in some way to the music streaming service Spotify, but it is not yet certain in what specific way it should actually work.


It is not even certain when and in what order Facebook will introduce these new services, but it can be assumed that it could perhaps catch up with all the news during this year. The audio chat platform Clubhouse initially gained a lot of attention from users, but the interest in it partially waned after the Android version of the app still hasn't appeared. Some other companies, such as Twitter or LinkedIn, took advantage of this delay and started developing their own platforms of this type. The creators of Clubhouse promise that their application will also be available to owners of smartphones with the Android operating system, but it is not clear exactly when that should be.

Development of an application for the consequences of COVID

A team of experts is currently working on testing a special game that should help people who, after recovering from the disease of COVID-19, have to deal with unpleasant consequences affecting their thinking and cognitive abilities. Many patients who have experienced COVID, even after recovery, complain about the consequences - for example, difficulty concentrating, "brain fog" and states of confusion. These symptoms are very bothersome and often last for months. Faith Gunning, a neuropsychologist at Well Cornell Medicine in New York, believes that a video game called EndeavorRX could help people overcome at least some of these symptoms.

Registration for vaccination against the coronavirus

The game was developed by the studio Akili Interactive, which in the past has already published a specialized "prescription" game - it was intended for children from 8 to 12 years old with ADHD. Faith Gunning has started a study in which she wants to test whether games of this type can also help patients suffering from the mentioned consequences of the coronavirus infection. However, we will have to wait for some time for the results of the mentioned study, and it is not yet clear in which regions the game might be available. So-called "prescription apps" are not unique in recent times. It can be, for example, tools to help users with self-diagnosis, or perhaps an application through which patients send the necessary health data to their attending physicians. But there are also applications that – like the aforementioned EndeavorRX – help patients with their difficulties, whether they are psychological, neurological or other problems.

