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Thinking about getting a trendy Polaroid camera for your summer vacation? If you are a fan of smaller devices, you can rejoice - Polaroid has prepared a new small Polaroid Go for its customers. In addition to this news, in our summary today, we will also talk about the criticism of the Cellebrite tool and the news in the communication platform Google Meet.

Signal vs. Cellebrite

If you're a regular reader of Apple-related news, then you'll no doubt be familiar with the term Cellebrite. This is a special device with the help of which the police and other similar agencies can get into locked smartphones. In connection with this tool, there was an interesting exchange this week between its creators and the creators of the secure communication app Signal. The management of Cellebrite first stated that their experts managed to break the security of the mentioned Signal application with the help of Cellebrite.

Cellebrite Police Scotland

The response from the creators of Signal did not take long - a post appeared on the Signal blog about the fact that the author of the application Moxie Marlinspike obtained the Cellebrite kit and discovered several serious vulnerabilities in it. Devices from Cellebrite appear from time to time on the auction site eBay, for example - Marlinspike did not specify where he got his. The creators of Signal further stated that the aforementioned vulnerabilities in Cellebrite could theoretically be exploited to delete text and email messages, photos, contacts and other data without a trace. The vulnerability report was released without first warning Cellebrite, but Signal's developers said they would provide the company with all the details in exchange for details on how Cellebrite managed to break into Signal's security.

Polaroid released a new, extra small camera

Polaroid products have gained quite a lot of popularity in recent years, especially among young people. This week, the brand's camera product line has been enriched with a new addition - this time it's a really tiny device. The new camera called Polaroid Go has dimensions of only 10,4 x 8,3 x 6 centimeters, so it is essentially a miniature of the classic Polaroid. The new tiny Polaroid features a signature color scheme, and the company has equipped it with a selfie mirror, a self-timer, a longer-lasting battery, a dynamic flash, and a range of useful travel accessories. The Polaroid Go camera can be pre-ordered now at the company's official website.

New improvements in Google Meet

Google announced this week that it is once again bringing a handful of useful new improvements to its communication platform, Google Meet. For example, users can look forward to video backgrounds for calls - the first batch will include a classroom, party or forest, for example, and Google plans to release even more types of backgrounds over the next few weeks. In May, the user interface of the desktop version of Google Meet will also be redesigned with more customization tools, the function of switching to floating window mode, brightness improvements or perhaps the ability to minimize and hide the video channel will be added. Users of the version of Google Meet for smartphones can look forward to the option of activating reduced mobile data consumption.
