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In today's summary of the day, the echoes of Monday's Keynote at this year's WWDC will again be heard - for example, we will talk about functions in macOS or the new Digital Legacy function. In addition, the topic of malware in the Czech Republic, the future Czech Siri or the LTE Apple Watch will also come up.

Macs in the Czech Republic are most often threatened by advertising malware

Contrary to popular belief, even Apple devices with the macOS operating system are not immune to cyber threats. In May, they were most threatened by adware, or malicious code that spreads unsolicited advertising. Among the most frequent detections, malware that aims to mine cryptocurrencies using the computing power of the victim's device has also penetrated. This follows from ESET's statistics for the Czech Republic. Read more in the article Macs in the Czech Republic are most often threatened by advertising malware.

Apple has reconfirmed Siri in Czech

Siri in Czech will probably become a reality soon! This follows at least from the official Apple support pages, which are gradually being translated into Czech. On one of them - specifically on the page dedicated to using Siri on Apple devices in general - you will even find a Czech example of one of the commands - specifically "Hey Siri, what's the weather like today?". Additionally, this page was only updated last month. Read more in the article Apple has reconfirmed Siri in Czech.

In the new OS, Apple will solve one of the problems of the families of deceased apple growers

When Apple introduced its new operating systems during its opening keynote at this year's WWDC developer conference, it also mentioned a new feature called Digital Legacy. This is a program in which users can designate several of their contacts in case of death. These selected contacts will have access to that user's Apple ID as well as their personal information. Read more in the article With the arrival of new OSes, Apple will solve one of the problems of the families of deceased apple owners.

Apple started selling the LTE Apple Watch in the Czech Republic

Many domestic apple growers will remember the second week of June with great enthusiasm. In addition to WWDC and thus also the unveiling of new versions of Apple's operating systems, we learned during the morning that the long-awaited LTE support for the Apple Watch will start in the Czech Republic from Monday, June 14. Cellular models were soon listed by all leading sellers of Apple products, led by Alza, Mobil Pohotóvostí and iStores, and now they can be purchased from Apple as well. However, their inclusion in the sale took place on his Online Store in complete silence. Read more in the article Apple officially started selling the LTE Apple Watch in the Czech Republic.

Apple is slowly cutting Macs with Intel through the new macOS

It happened exactly what many Apple owners who own Macs with Intel processors feared. Specifically, we are talking about the first major notch on their machines by Apple since its announcement of the transition to its own processing solutions in the form of Apple Silicon chips. According to the Californian giant, the new macOS Monterey has been adapted to them as much as possible, which, however, also brought with it certain restrictions for machines with Intel. Read more in the article Apple is slowly cutting Macs with Intel through the new macOS.
