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The environment and how we can improve it has been a hot topic for many years. The co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, who shared with the public last week the ways in which he himself contributes to improving the state of our planet, is also dealing with it. Another topic of our today's summary will be partially related to ecology - you will learn how a small Chinese electric car managed to beat Tesla's Model 3 in sales. Today's news will also include the publication of a photo of the hand controllers for the upcoming second generation of the PlayStation VR gaming system.

Bill Gates and lifestyle change

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said late last week that he has decided to reduce his own influence on global warming. As part of the event named Ask Me Anything, which took place on the discussion platform Reddit, Gates was asked a question by a user about what people can do to reduce their own carbon footprint. Among the factors cited by Bill Gates was also a reduction in consumption. In this context, Gates shared more details about what he himself is doing in this direction. "I drive electric cars. I have solar panels on my house, I eat synthetic meat, I buy environmentally friendly jet fuel,” Gates said. He also stated that he plans to further reduce the frequency of his flights.

TikTok and the revolution in the music industry

The coronavirus pandemic has changed many aspects of people's lives - including the way people spend their free time. One of the consequences of these changes was also a huge increase in the popularity of the social network TikTok, despite the many controversies associated with it. At the same time, according to experts, the increasingly popular TikTok also has a relatively large influence on the shape and development of the music industry. Thanks to the virality of TikTok videos, among others, some artists have gained enormous and unexpected popularity - an example can be the young folk singer Nathan Evans, who recorded the song The Wellerman from the 19th century on TikTok. For Evans, his TikTok fame even earned him a record deal. But there has also been a revival of older popular songs - one of them is, for example, the song Dreams from the album Rumors, which comes from 1977, by the band Fleetwood Mac. But at the same time, experts add that TikTok is a very unpredictable platform, and that it is very difficult – or practically not at all – to estimate which song and under what circumstances can become a hit here.

The best-selling electric car

When the word "electric car" is said, most people probably think of Tesla cars. Given the brand's popularity, you might expect Tesla's EVs to also rank among the best-selling models in the class. But the truth is that the Chinese Hong Guang Mini from the workshop of the Wuling company became the best-selling electric car in the past two months. During the first two months of this year, more than 56 units of this small vehicle were sold. In January 2021, more than 36 units of Wuling's Hong Guang Mini EV were sold, while Musk's Tesla claimed "only" 21,5 units of Model 3 sales. Then in February, 20 Hong Guang Mini EVs were sold, Tesla sold 13 of its Model 700. The mentioned electric car saw the light of day in the summer of last year, it is sold so far only in China.

Hong Guang Mini EV

New drivers for PSVR

Late last week, Sony released photos of the handheld controllers for its PlayStation VR gaming system. These particular controllers are designed specifically for the PlayStation 5 gaming console, expected to launch in 2022 or 2023. The pair of handheld controllers look similar to the Oculus Quest 2 controllers, but are slightly larger and feature more sophisticated wrist protection and tracking movements. The new controllers also feature haptic feedback. While Sony has already revealed the look of PSVR's second-generation controllers, the rest of the details — the headset itself, game titles, or new features — remain under wraps for now.
