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If you use the app Update (review <a href="" data-gt-href-en="">here</a>), so be sure to get smart, because we are introducing you to a serious competitor. Andy Smart came up with a similar concept to Tarento Software and compared to the competition, it offers an amazing design with a great icon that quickly finds a place on the desktop.

Everything works practically the same. Help Sociable you can send a message to four different social networks at the same time in no time. You just write the text, choose which networks you want to publish it on and send it. You can choose from the four most popular social networks, in addition to Twitter and Facebook, there is also Myspace and LinkedIn. Here, compared to Update, there is a minor change, the less used Google Buzz or Hyves are missing, but Myspace, on the other hand, will be appreciated by many users.

Sociable looks really great. The setup is simple, you just enter your username and password for the given network, select it and you can happily update. Sociable costs just under a dollar like Update, and if you don't already own Update, for example, Sociable is a clear choice. Although I believe that even users of competing applications will be able to attract a piece from the hands of Andy Smart thanks to its wonderful user interface.

App Store - Sociable (€0,79)