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Samsung copied Apple's patents in some of its devices and has to pay Apple 119,6 million dollars (2,4 billion crowns) for it. That's the grand jury's verdict after a month of hearings and presenting evidence patent dispute between Apple and Samsung. However, the iPhone manufacturer also violated one of its competitor's patents, for which it has to pay $158 (400 million crowns)...

An eight-judge jury in California federal court ruled that several Samsung products infringed two of the five patents that Apple was suing, and also assessed some harm on a third of them. All of the South Korean company's accused products infringed the '647 patent on quick links, but the universal search and background sync patents were not infringed, according to the jury. In the '721 patent, which covers a slide-to-unlock device, the court found only certain products infringed.

The last patent with predicting text while typing on the keyboard was deliberately copied by Samsung, so it will also have to pay compensation to Apple for it. On the contrary, he should have committed the unintentional use of one of Samsung's two patents in his Apple devices, which is why the fine for him is significantly lower.

However, even Samsung does not have to pay too much as a result. Apple sued him for more than two billion dollars, of which he will eventually get only a fraction. Samsung seems to have succeeded in court with its argument about the practical worthlessness of the submitted patents. The South Koreans claimed that they owed Apple a maximum of $38 million for the patents, and even demanded only about $XNUMX million from the competitor for two of their patents.

The total amount Samsung will have to pay is expected to change slightly as the jury was found to have failed to factor in the Galaxy S II's infringement of one patent in its verdict, and Judge Koh ordered that everything be put right. However, the resulting amount should not change too much compared to the current almost 120 million dollars. The majority of this amount – roughly $99 million – is derived from patents other than the one that was not included.

Although Apple emerges from the courtroom as a winner after several weeks, in Cupertino they surely believed that they would get more in compensation. Like on Twitter he remarked one of the onlookers, Apple will get as much money from Samsung as it made in six hours in the last quarter. However, the patent battle was not primarily about the financial side of the matter. Apple primarily wanted to protect its intellectual property and ensure that Samsung could no longer copy its inventions. He will certainly also try to ban the sale of products with the Samsung logo, but he will hardly get it from Judge Kohová. Such a request has already been rejected twice.

So although Apple's feelings may be quite mixed, in its statement for Re / code California society applauded the court's decision: “We are grateful to the jury and the court for their service. Today's ruling underscores what courts around the world have already found: that Samsung deliberately stole our ideas and copied our products. We're fighting to protect the hard work we put into beloved products like iPhone that our employees have dedicated their lives to."

The representatives of Samsung and Google, which was indirectly involved in the whole case – especially because of the Android operating system – have not yet commented on the verdict. In Samsung, however, they will probably be satisfied with the amount of compensation. The $119,6 million is hardly going to deter them from making more moves like the ones they've been making so far. In addition, this amount is significantly lower than what Samsung had to pay after the first patent dispute, when the compensation reached almost one billion dollars.

Source: Re / code, Ars Technica