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I'm not much of a music expert. I like listening to music, but I've never needed top-of-the-line headphones for that, and most of the time I got by with the classic white iPhone buds. That's why when Apple last year introduced wireless AirPods, it left me completely cold. But only for a few months.

I remember watching the keynote in September and when Phil Schiller showed her a set similar to the ones I'd been using for years, just without the wires, it didn't do anything for me. An interesting product, but with a price of five thousand crowns, something completely unnecessary for me, I thought to myself.

Since Apple had production problems and its wireless headphones were not on sale for several months, I completely dropped this product. However, at the turn of the year, the first friends started to receive the small boxes and I began to be on Twitter every day and everywhere I could read how it was almost a revolutionary product.

Not so much that it brought something that wasn't here before (even though wireless devices are still not that widespread), but primarily because of how it automatically and above all meaningfully fit into the entire Apple ecosystem and into the workflow of many users. Until finally it started drilling in my head.

Odes to AirPods

I found three or four saved tweets on Twitter that - if you don't already have AirPods - will just put the bug in your head.

Renowned technology expert Benedict Evans he wrote: "AirPods are the most 'apply' product in recent years. Hassle-free magic that just works.

A few days later to him connected analyst Horace Dediu: "Apple Watch combined with AirPods is the biggest change in the mobile user interface since 2007."

And an apt review in a single tweet he wrote Naval Ravikant, head of AngelList: "Apple AirPods review: The best Apple product since the iPad." Then two months later updated: "The best Apple product since the iPhone."

Of course, after reading many other responses describing great experiences with AirPods, I ended up going with them too. The endless debates about the fact that headphones for 5 thousand, which play practically the same as the original white stones, are pure nonsense, completely missed me. On the one hand, I realized that the power of AirPods is elsewhere - and that's why I bought them - and on the other hand, because I'm "deaf" in music. In short, these headphones are enough for me.


Always and immediately

In the past few months, I have already had a lot of study with the AirPods. Not so much in terms of how they work, but rather how people use them. Describe first experiences there is no point here. They repeated we would, and I want to share above all the experience of using it as such. I'll just say that it's fascinating how something like a magnetic headphone box can fascinate you.

But back to the point. The main thing that AirPods brought me was that I started listening a lot more again. Just last year, I found myself several times not even playing Spotify on my iPhone for a long time. Of course, this wasn't just due to the fact that I didn't have AirPods yet, but in retrospect, I realized that the approach to listening is completely different with wireless AirPods, at least for me.

Obviously, I didn't have any wireless headphones before. In other words, I have it for jogging Jaybirds, but I didn't normally pull them out otherwise. AirPods thus represented the first major experience with wireless headphones during normal daily use, and many may not think so, but the wire that is not is really noticeable.

With AirPods, I almost immediately started listening all the time, wherever possible. When I used to go from building to building for just five, ten, fifteen minutes, many times I didn't even take out my headphones. Partly and subconsciously, certainly also because I first had to untangle them in a complicated way, then tuck them under my T-shirt a few more times before they could be listened to.

With AirPods, in short, all of this falls into place. I put on my shoes or close the door behind me, open the box, put on my headphones and play. Immediately. No waiting. No connection errors. This too was a big and positive change against the Jaybirds I knew.

Even on that ten-minute journey, I can listen practically the entire time, which I started to use not only for music, but also for audiobooks, or in my case mainly Respekt. The ideal time frame for one article and the audio recordings suddenly started to make more sense to me.


It's seriously worth it

To some, this may all sound like nonsense. Actually, my only problem is that when I had headphones with a wire, it took me a few tens of seconds longer to put them on and prepare them - after all, it can't be worth the five thousand. But it is simply a fact that with AirPods I listen completely differently and above all much more, which is the most important and positive thing for me.

Despite the fact that it is really a huge relief when suddenly there is no cable tangled anywhere and you can handle the iPhone completely normally while the music is playing in your ears. In short, this is something you have to try if you don't already know it, but you definitely won't want to go back. Calls can also be made with classic earbuds, but AirPods are simply further away as hands-free. Experience, of course.

However, one thing I run into quite often is that wireless apple cores are worse than wired ones. You can't put on AirPods with one hand. It's a relative trifle, but given the pluses, it's fair to mention this. Sometimes you just don't have the other hand at hand.

As I already mentioned, returning to a wire is practically impossible for me after half a year with AirPods. Does not make sense. After all, I started looking for a higher-quality device for home use, because I thought that maybe, despite my musical deafness, I would appreciate the difference, and I don't even look at wired headphones in stores anymore. Although I may use them mainly just sitting at the computer, it just doesn't make sense to me anymore.

A bit of a problem, however, is that Apple spoiled me with the W1 wireless chip, without which the experience with AirPods would have been dramatically lower. In fact, I probably wouldn't even buy them at all. So for now, I stay at home with AirPods, because I can switch between iPhone and Mac with the snap of my finger. Which is the convenience that makes AirPods the product that defines Apple.

For me, it is definitely the best apple product in recent years, because no other has changed my habits so much and positively.
