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It was possible to capture a group of thieves on video who decided to make money by stealing a large number of iPhones. In the end, they broke into two different Apple stores in Perth, Australia, taking goods worth more than seven million crowns. Footage from security cameras was preserved from both cases.

So we can watch the party's actions on video. A group of six people first went to the Apple store in downtown Perth, where at a quarter to one in the morning they broke the glass window with a hammer and broke in. However, they were quickly startled by a passing taxi and the thieves eventually ran away empty-handed.

However, their second attempt was much more successful. In the suburbs of Perth, the same group broke into an Apple store a few dozen minutes later, this time using a crowbar, which they also used to smash the windows. In this case, however, the thieves took they took away loot with a total value of more than seven million crowns. For the most part, iPhones were stolen, but other accessories and products were also stolen.

Apple blocked the stolen phones the next business day, so the thieves only have unusable pieces of hardware that are only good for spare parts or as a sales item for an inattentive buyer. Australian police are warning people about buying suspiciously cheap Apple products, saying that they are likely to be stolen (and in the case of iPhones, also non-functional) goods. Buying products on such a "black market" also creates demand, which then leads to similar thefts.


Source: ABC News
