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Samsung created a very successful advertisement for its new products Galaxy Gear watch. Compared to some previous fads, the new ad doesn't lack wit, but there's one problem - it's not original. Samsung borrowed the advertising concept from Apple, which introduced the first iPhone in 2007.

In addition, instead of the word borrowed, the term "copied" is perhaps much more accurate. Yes, from Samsung (how unexpected), but unfortunately that's the case again. In the first official iPhone advertisement in 2007, Apple first showed the then-classic phone, followed by edited scenes from cartoons and feature films in which characters used the phones, and then a brand new product was shown.

What a coincidence that six years later Samsung came up with an absolutely identical commercial, only half a minute longer. In the first shot, we see a classic watch, and then film scenes alternate, in which the characters talk to the watch. At the end, of course, a new product will appear - Samsung Galaxy Gear.

One would like to say that this is a coincidence, but in terms of the history of relations between Apple and Samsung, we can rule it out. In short, Samsung once again shamelessly copied something from Apple, but unfortunately only half of it. While advertising for its new watch is as good as Apple's for its first iPhone, the product itself is nowhere near as revolutionary as the iPhone was. Rather not at all. After all, all Galaxy Gear reviews say it clearly.

2007 - First iPhone ad

[youtube id=”6Bvfs4ai5XU” width=”620″ height=”360″]

2013 - Galaxy Gear commercial

[youtube id=”B3qeJKax2CU” width=”620″ height=”360″]

At the same time, Samsung doesn't just have to copy. Its marketing experts, or whoever comes up with the ads, can come up with their own inventions. This is evidenced by the second ad for Galaxy Gear, which uses a similar motif as the first spot, but in a completely different way. In the advertisement called Evolution fictitious "talking" watches from various films appear, and at the end comes - according to Samsung, the first such real product - the new Galaxy Gear watch. A little would be enough, and we could look at South Korean society in a completely different way.

[youtube id=”f2AjPfHTIS4″ width=”620″ height=”360″]
