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We live in the age of modern technology and the Internet plays an increasingly important role in our lives. Almost everything can be arranged on the Internet these days, and online shopping is already among the completely mundane. We buy practically all kinds of goods on the Internet, be it electronics, books, clothes, jewelry or other things. However, online grocery shopping has not gained much traction yet, and there is not much to hear about e-shops with food in the Czech Republic. However, some entrepreneurs want to change the situation on the Czech market and come up with interesting projects that should interest consumers. One such project is a mobile application Buy one two.

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This application allows you to easily and quickly purchase food from 3 different e-shops using your iPhone. Using the app, you can easily assemble, order and pay for your purchase without having to leave your couch. You will not be forced to walk even to the next room to your computer.

The user interface of the application is very simple and clear. The first screen is used to select a store, while at the moment it is possible to buy from e-shops through the application, Fish Eat a The conditions of individual trades are also clearly and distinctly visible directly on this screen.

If you want to shop in the first-named store, you must spend at least CZK 990. After that, the delivery of goods is free, but is limited to the territory of the capital city of Prague and the region of Central Bohemia. When shopping at Fish Eat you have to buy for at least 300 crowns, shipping costs 50 crowns and the local restriction is again the same, i.e. Prague and Central Bohemia. Čokolá is the only e-shop on offer that will deliver your goods anywhere in the Czech Republic. Additionally, this store has no minimum spend requirements. However, the fact that you will pay a not entirely negligible 99 crowns for the import will not please you.

The second screen already serves as a shopping list. After choosing the store in which you want to shop, you can start selecting goods. The classic search box is used to search for food, but it is enriched with the option of voice input. It runs on Nuance technology and works really well. Searching for goods is therefore easy, fast and convenient. Another big advantage is that the purchase can be made even without an Internet connection.

Adding items to the cart is just as easy. After clicking on the found product, its description and list of available packages will be displayed. So just select the quantity and confirm it with the button Choose. If you go back to the shopping list from the product details, you will see a list of items in the basket, a preview of the products, individual prices and the final total. Then when you're done shopping, you press a button Order Now and the application will already present you with a form in which you enter user data, choose the mode of transport and then the payment method. At the end, just confirm your choices and your order is complete.

The third and final screen is called Your orders and its purpose is clear. A clear list of your past orders remains archived on this screen. The service Buy one two is an ambitious project that aims to change the way of buying fast-moving goods. The authors of the application find it pointless that people spend a lot of time in shopping centers buying the same things for the home, so they created a product that is supposed to prevent such behavior. With the Buy one two application, the user can shop quickly, comfortably and with a few touches of the finger.

The service is somewhat limited by the limited selection of e-shops. So let's hope that their offer will grow in the future. However, the application itself is very good, clear and modern. You will also be pleased with the possibility of searching using voice commands, which works very well. It is certainly worth mentioning that the e-shop currently offers a discount of CZK 129 for the first purchase, so if you want to try shopping via your iPhone, don't hesitate too much.

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