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If the last few weeks are fruitful for Apple, so what regards new hardware, it is not doing very well in the software field. The release of iOS 8 accompanies confusion regarding the concept of the photo library, strange bugs on the new iPhones, but mainly the failed hundredth update. iOS 8.0.1 brought a number of users signal reception problems mobile operator and prominent product marketer Greg Joswiak now explains how Apple could have overlooked such a critical problem.

A prominent Apple employee, whose public appearances are rarely seen, spoke at a conference this week Code/Mobile hosted by the server Re / code. According to him, the bug in the first iOS 8 update was not in the software itself. "It was related to the way we were sending the software over our servers," he said during an interview Tuesday. "It was about how we distributed the update."

Joswiak further emphasized that Apple tried to respond to the problem as quickly as possible. "Whenever you're innovating in software and doing really advanced things, you're bound to make some mistakes," he admitted. "However, we are trying to fix them very quickly."

Server editors Re / code further focused on Apple's pricing policy in the interview. Joswiak thus faced the question of whether the Cupertino company should also try to penetrate the market with cheaper products. "Just not!" answered Apple's marketing specialist emphatically, recalling the situation in which the company found itself in the 90s.

"Some of what we were working on was low-cost products aimed at getting a large share of the market instead of creating a better experience," he recalled of Apple's failed and confusing days without Steve Jobs. "You make a mistake like that once, but not twice," he added, closing the topic.

The decision to introduce a larger iPhone in the form of the 6 Plus model is probably also related to this attitude, which prioritizes quality (or rather a premium price tag) over a massive market share. According to Joswiak, Apple is targeting the Chinese market with this device. Although there is a high demand for cheap devices there, brands like Huawei or Xiaomi can satisfy it.

Joswiak's words regarding the popularity of the iPhone 6 Plus in different markets are also an interesting insight. It is most popular in China, slightly less in the United States and least popular in Europe.

Source: Re / code, Cult of Mac