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Press Release: Rakuten Viber, one of the leading communication apps in the world, is launching a campaign whose mission is to spread and celebrate love among users around the world. The campaign will start on Valentine's Day, but will continue in the following months, communicating love not only between partners, but also between friends, family or even complete strangers. The campaign will run in twelve European countries, where the communication application Viber has millions of users, who will have the opportunity to create and share digital wishes full of love.

“Rakuten Viber gives users the opportunity to express their feelings with the help of fun tools. We believe that one sent love wish will lead to further communication between people beyond normal daily conversations. We called our special wishes Vibertines and we hope people like them and continue to spread love that knows no bounds. We even offer the option to send wishes anonymously, for those who keep their love a secret for the time being. If our Vibertine reaches you, don't hesitate to send a little love too," says Zarena Kancheva, Marketing and PR Director at Rakuten Viber for the CEE region.

The whole love-filled experience starts with users being able to take a special Valentine's Day quiz. It then leads them to other options. They can choose to give or receive love. It is even possible to create wishes and leave them in a special box where complete strangers can pick them up. Viber also has a wide range of other functions and tools ready, stickers, gifs or videos in the shape of a heart.

Rakuten Viber
Viber believes that millions of love-filled wishes will be sent during the campaign. It will also monitor how active people are in each country and at the end of the campaign will announce which country people have given the most love to users.
