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Recently, new photos have surfaced showing a prototype of the first iPad that has integrated two 30-pin connectors. One is in a position we know it well, i.e. on the bottom of the device, but the other is present on the left. Even then, Apple was probably thinking about wider docking options for its tablet. However, he only brought this idea to life with the Smart connector.

Apple introduced the first iPad at the end of January 2010 and celebrated considerable success with it. During the entire year, it sold almost 15 million units, which was twice as many as predicted by the most optimistic estimates. But as we well know, the connector contained only one. Back then, it was still the 30-pin connector that was also common to iPhones and iPods. He shared photos of the aforementioned prototype on a social network Giulio's Twitter Zompetti, collector of apple company equipment.

He stated that the second port was most likely removed during a later stage of DVT development. This is because Apple's hardware development usually goes through several stages, including EVT (Technical Verification Test), DVT (Design Verification Test) and PVT (Production Verification Test). Apple has probably decided that the second connector is unnecessary and does not yet have its justification.

Realization of the original idea up to iPad Pro 

But it is not the first time that the world's first iPad with two However, he showed the connectors. Already in 2012, it was auctioned as part of an auction on eBay. Already in the first generation, Apple is still under the baton of Steve Jobs he thought about how to get the most out of this device. However, it only showed us the direction with the iPad Pros, which were the first to be equipped with a Smart connector for connecting peripherals such as the Smart or Magic Keyboard.

However, Apple also sold an external keyboard for the first iPad. It also included a stand for holding a tablet and an integrated 30-pin connector through which the keyboard communicated with the iPad. You could buy it for $69 (approx. CZK 1) and on sale Apple she didn't warm up for too long. So the company could have considered how the tablet attached to the keyboard would work in both portrait and landscape mode, then abandoning the latter option. In contrast, Smart or Magic Keyboard, which in the first case starts at 4 CZK and in the second from 790 CZK, is used exclusively for width.

Smart i Magic however, the keyboards attach magnetically to the iPad, eliminating the need to turn them on, plug in cables, or pair via Bluetooth. The top line, that is Magic Keyboard, additionally offers a floating construction, backlit keys and an integrated trackpad. Except, of course, the iPad itself protects against damage.
