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The unique Loop Hero project attracted attention already during its presentation in December last year. At first, the inconspicuous pixel art game attracted attention with its creative approach to the roguelite genre. Unlike other representatives of the genre, he did not stick it to an already tried formula, but created his own, truly original one. It combines elements of idyllic games, role-playing games and building strategies into a surprisingly addictive whole.

As the protagonist of the game, you will find yourself in a strange world without light and without memories. You cannot remember your own past, but there is a circuitous path (the titular "loop") in front of you, which you will immediately set out on. Various enemies await you as you explore it. After defeating them, you always get a piece of valuable equipment or some part of the landscape itself around you, in the form of a card. You gradually remember where the mountains stood, where there were green meadows, or where the residence of dangerous vampires was located. The placement of these cards is then key to making your way through the loop successfully and getting better and better weapons and abilities. When you reach a certain amount of these locations and buildings on the map, a final boss will then appear at the beginning of the loop to test how well you prepared for him.

After both successful and unsuccessful attempts to conquer the loop, you will always find yourself at the base camp, where you can build various buildings. These add new cards to your deck and give you permanent upgrades. This way, you become stronger and stronger as time goes on, so that you have the same chance against the ever-improving enemies as well. Loop Hero is truly a unique game, and above all, terribly addictive. No matter how long the descriptions are, they cannot describe the experience of her. Therefore, do not hesitate to try the future game of the year candidate for yourself.

You can buy Loop Hero here

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