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Reactions to Apple TV+ programs – specifically The Morning Show with Jeniffer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon, which Apple has long and intensively promoted – are mixed. It could be said that while the audience is rather enthusiastic, the critics do not share their enthusiasm. However, Apple does not see negative criticism as the possible poor quality of its programs, but rather as hatred or envy of those who criticize the programs. The producers of The Morning Show said at today's Recode Code Media conference that some of the negative reviews of the series come from people who "want Apple to fail."

On the website Metacritic The Morning Show received 59 points out of 7,7 based on reviews from critics, while the series received XNUMX points out of XNUMX from users. Mimi Leder and Kerry Ehrin from production sat down this week at the aforementioned conference k conversation with NBC's Dylan Byers. During the interview, among other things, they also took professional critics to task. In this context, Mimi Leder said that she kind of thought they were "crazy" and recruiting from "Apple haters". "I didn't know what show they were actually watching," she declared.

The topic of creation for Apple as such was also mentioned in the interview. Kerry Ehrin admitted that she was often pressured by the idea of ​​what the flagship show for Apple TV+ should look like. "There are times when I ask myself how I can be responsible for this," she admitted. "It's a little intimidating. I try to think about it,” she added.

In the interview, she also disputed that The Morning Show had a $300 million budget, adding that as a producer she is not worried about the business side of Apple TV+: “We focus on the story we're telling, the characters. We are inside it. So when we see reviews that look at it from a purely business point of view (…) in a way it goes beyond us.”

The Morning Show FB

Source: 9to5Mac
